'Go Jimmy Go' Reviews, Film Festival & Award Info...
Reviews & Notes...
Crossroads Film Festival
"Well-written, sharply observed, briskly paced and well acted."
"Clever dialogue with an interesting and quite original story. A clear goal is set at the beginning, and I am engaged to watch and see what happens." "I like and dislike the right characters and the twists and turns are fun and not predictable." "Strong entry!" |
"Raoul Lionel Felder was sighted at 60 Centre Street today playing a judge in the film Go Jimmy Go produced by his nephew Geoffrey J Felder. What we saw shot was hysterical! The short feature is slated for film festival release next year." |
"...good surprises and funny stuff. Beautiful cinematography. Well edited." |
Coming Soon... |
"...it was great!" |
"We loved your movie!"
"We show it to people every day..." |
"The members who screened your film loved it! All technical aspects were excellent, giving a professional look to the film. Your ideas were very clever, and the story was well written and very well acted. 'The acting was believable and genuine,' commented one member on his critique. 'The main character was very likable and the lawyer villain was humorously dislikable,' commented another. The humor, some sophisticated and some slapstick, really worked well. The result was a 22-minute film that made time fly by and kept our viewers engrossed throughout. We loved the switch at the end with the lawyer landing in jail! Normally our letter also includes any concerns or criticisms of the screening members - but there were none!" |
Awards & Film Festivals Screening 'Go Jimmy Go'...
Crossroads Film Festival (April, 2001)
EdgeWorks' 2001 Short Film Festival (November, 2001)
Hollywood Shorts Film Festival (August, 2001)
Newport Beach Film Festival (March, 2001)
Rochester International Film Festival (May, 2001)
*** Movies On A Shoestring Trophy ***
WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival (April, 2001)
*** Bronze Award Short Subject Film & Video Award Comedy - Original
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